Hong Kong Ming Pao Coverage of Hell Bank Note for iPhone

(printed on Feb 8, 10)


創意「i陰司紙」程式 兩周300人下載

【明報專訊】愈來愈多人加入iPhone用家行列,衍生龐大新商機。「80後」青年Ivan「刀仔鋸大樹」,花一個月撰寫「惡搞」性質的iPhone程式「i陰司紙」(Hell Bank Note),自拍宣傳片於YouTube播放,小試牛刀之作短短兩周吸引逾300人下載,極速回本;另一款「香港猜枚」遊戲已推出,別具香港背景及特色,相信可獲港人歡迎。

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香港猜枚!| Hong Kong Morra Released



– 單打/雙打模式
– (雙打只需一部iPhone,兩位玩家以multi-touch進行對戰)
– 特設三十多張精彩香港旺角主題圖案及背景圖片
– 背景音樂開關

Learn & play the most famous drinking game in Hong Kong & China!

– 1 player and 2 player mode
– (just 1 iPhone is needed for 2 player mode)
– Stunning Hong Kong street scene photo background
– background music on/off

Get this app at the App Store

Hell Bank Note: Demo Video Now Online


Hell Bank Note, the iPhone app


In China and some other regions in East Asia, it is customarily believed that the dead, too, need cash to spend in the underworld. But how are the dead going to get any money? Answer: they need us to wire them the money, by burning fake monetary papers called… “hell bank notes”!

“Hell bank note” has a long history in East Asia, and they are also known for their amusingly large denominations, ranging from $10,000 to $1,000,000,000.

Now, for the first time, comes an iPhone app that gives you the taste of burning hell money for the dead ones anytime you want!


– A “hell bank note” simulator for you to start wiring money to the dead anytime, anywhere

– Comes a variety of Hell money for your burning pleasure

– “Hell bank gallery” gives you a tour on the art and mythology of Hell money from different parts of the world

– An essay on the history of hell bank note

(For more info about the history of Hell Bank Note, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hell_bank_note)

Get this app at the App Store